Let me introduce Koedo Kawagoe’s Seven Lucky Gods. You will only need half day to visit all seven gods.

妙善時(Myozenji temple)

To start Koedo Kawagoe’s seven Lucky Gods walk, First visit第一番「毘沙門天(BISHAMONTEN)」妙善寺(Myozenji temple)」。

妙善時(Myozenji temple)

This temple is only two minutes walk from our hotel, so it’s best to stay at Kawagoe Daiichi Hotel and begin the walk (^O^)

天然寺(Ten'nenji temple)

The second place to visit is第二番「寿老人(JUROJIN)」天然寺(Ten’nenji temple)

天然寺(Ten'nenji temple)

Takes about ten minutes from our hotel, seven minutes from Myozenji temple.


Third God 第三番「大黒天(DAIKOKUTEN)」is in「喜多院(Kitain temple)」です。
It’s about twenty minutes walk from our hotel.


多宝塔(TAHOUTOU)and仙波東照宮(SENBA TOUSHOUGU), there are many spots to see. This temple is very well known to visit New Year seasons for good fortune. Approximately four hundred thousand people visit KITAIN every year.


Right next to KITAIN, there is temple for fourth god 第四番「恵比須天(EBISUTEN)」 in「 成田山(NARITASAN)



The fifth god 第五番「福禄寿神(FUKUROKUJUJIN)」 is in「蓮馨寺(RENKEIJI)


RENKEIJI is on the way to KURAZUKURI, and there is a bus stop called「蓮馨寺前(RENKEIJIMAE)」It’s very convenient to take local bus from Kawagoe station. If you walk from our hotel, it takes about twenty minutes.


The sixth god 第六番「布袋尊(HOTEISON)」is in「見立寺(KENRYUJI)


This temple is a little bit far form our hotel, thirty minutes or so.
However, it’s only three minutes from 「菓子屋横丁」(KASHIYAYOKOCHO), so you won’t feel so far if you go from KURAZUKURI.


The last of seven lucky gods 第七番「弁財天(BENZAITEN)」 is in「妙昌寺(MYOSHOJI)
It’s about ten minutes from KENRYUJI and twenty five minutes from hotel.


MYOSHOJI is in the middle of quiet residential area. You can take a break there. ^^

We hope you will have good fortune and good health when you visit all seven lucky gods!!

※All the pictures are taken December 4th except Kitain’s second picture.

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